Vulnerability Assessment Maluku Province

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The climate vulnerability and risk assessment (VA) in Maluku Province was developed to strengthen regional resilience to climate risks and hydrometeorological hazards and as the basis for formulating the regional climate adaptation strategy. This study can also be used as input for more responsive and adaptive development planning in Maluku.

The methodology used in this study refers to the Forestry and Environmental Ministry regulation (Permen KLHK) No. 33, 2016 on guidelines for the development of climate change adaptation action, and to Indonesian National Board for Disaster Management (BNPB) regulation (PERKA-BNBP) No. 2, 2012 on general guidelines for disaster risk assessment. This report also adapts the methods used by KLHK in the risk assessment and climate change adaptation study (KRAPI), in 2012. In addition, this report uses a dynamic risk analysis method to make the comparison between the current risk and future risk (within the next 30 years).

This is a participatory study, it was conducted through experts and stakeholder consultations. A series of three workshops was carried out, all of them involving OPDs (local government bodies), province level representatives and including national /vertical agencies such as the Climate and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), some NGOs, Womens Associations, Universities, Media and Businesses. The climate risks were discussed in a participatory manner, and also any data and information related to the vulnerability and hazard was collected from the participants in all of the workshops.

The VA process starts from choosing sectors which it was determined by the participants had most risk from climate change as well as those sectors which are a priority for the government with significant contribution to the gross regional domestic product (PDRB). There are six selected sectors for Maluku , which are: disaster management (flood and landslide), fisheries, agricultures, tourism, clean water and sea transportation. Following prioritization of the sectors the process then continued with hazard analysis, vulnerability analysis and risk analysis as well as recommendations for adaptation action for each sectors.

The results of this study show the vulnerability and risk maps of each sectors studied. Other result is a synthesis of composite map of vulnerability and risks that can be used for development planning and spatial planning. In the last section there is a list of adaptation options for various fields.

(Only in Bahasa Indonesia Version)

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